
How to Have Your Application Stand Out

We have all asked, How do I stand out when there are thousands of applications for that summer internship or full time position? The first step is to select an internship or job that aligns with your skills and interests. If you are excited about the opportunity, your enthusiasm will come through in your cover letter and the activities you have listed in your resume.

When it comes to listing experiences in your application materials, do not be limited by your course and work experience. Also include those things that are uniquely you!

To start you off – below are three examples.

1.) Unique Interests or Facts About Yourself

Let the recruiter know where you have a passion/interest and how it aligns to the position. For example, my curiosity has led me to beekeeping and I am excited to see how my efforts of site selection and pest mitigation contribute to the health of a thriving community. Understanding how you can contribute to the success of a team in a unique way is relevant!

2.) Languages You Speak

Developing foreign language skills goes well beyond the spoken word. A foreign language provides you with cultural insight. Add to your cover letter why you chose the specific language(s) you speak and how it has broadened your view and/or provided an opportunity to explore a different culture. The ability to work with and appreciate others is a critical skill.

3.) Project-Based Work

Describe in your resume how you took a novel approach to a problem, laid out a plan and delivered results.  This could be automating a process from setting up the restaurant before opening to working at a financial firm and analyzing data. Or maybe you were a barista and created a new service/product – tell the project story and lean into the outcomes!  Projects are part of most internships and jobs, so consider how to best include these in your resume and cover letter.

Each of us is unique and have equally unique experiences.  Add a few to your resume/cover letter and you will stand out!

Consider coming for a drop-in at the Career Center and brainstorm about more content for your resume or have your application documents reviewed!

We look forward to seeing you!

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