
Dress to Impress With the Career Closet

You know that dream where you show up to class in your pajamas? Dressing casually to meet with employers can almost be as bad as that. Besides having an updated resume, wearing an appropriate outfit is also crucial to having a successful time when meeting with employers. 

Depending on the industry you are interacting with, the standards for business attire may vary a little. However, it is a good idea to make a great first impression and what you’re wearing can help with this. Dressing sharp in business attire will help make you feel confident and can also leave employers with a positive impression of yourself. Business professional attire can consist of:

  • A button-down shirt with slacks and a blazer 
  • A simple dress paired with a blazer 
  • A simple-patterned tie can always tidy up your look and complement the colors of your outfit 
  • Polished shoes, a pair of flats or heels 

No matter what combination of garments you choose to wear, it is also important to tidy up. This starts by making sure that your clothes fit well when sitting or standing, and ironing your clothes to remove any wrinkles. Make sure that you are comfortable in your outfit as this will help you feel more comfortable when you talk to employers. This can take the form of finding what measurements work for you and wearing shoes that are comfortable but professional.

If you do not have all the pieces for your outfit, do not worry. The Career Closet is a great resource for all BC students that allows you to grab up to three pieces of business professional clothes. There is a wide selection of items to choose from: pants, skirts, button-downs, ties, blazers, and more. 

Career Closet in Southwell Hall

Make sure to stop by during drop-in hours in Southwell Hall from 12:00 — 4:00 p.m. Tuesdays through Fridays to complete your “meeting with employers” outfit.

– By Josue Aguiluz, Graduate Assistant, LSOEHD ’24, Higher Education, M.A.

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