
3 Ways to Speak Effectively About Yourself in an Interview

The scene is set. You log onto your computer, open your calendar, and enter the virtual waiting room for the first-round interview you’ve been waiting for. You notice you have a few minutes to spare, so you decide to do one final run-through in your mind of what you recently discussed and practiced with your cluster coach at the Career Center.

You remember that during your practice interview, you and your coach explored some questions you might be asked, as well as ways you might go about responding to them (largely through describing a situation, your specific actions, and the results of your actions, contextually).

You begin to recall some of the tools and techniques that might allow you to speak most effectively about yourself in front of an employer. They become clearer:

1. Have Confidence When Speaking About Your Skills and Experiences

Be mindful of the fact that interviews are your chance to speak about yourself, your experiences, and what skills you have to offer in greater detail than what your resume can provide. Expand upon your relevant experiences, be specific about your skills and how they’ve developed over time, and do your best to connect these skills and experiences to the role you are hoping to obtain.

2. Be Professional and Tailor your Responses Appropriately

Remember that this is both an opportunity for you to showcase your potential (and personality!) and to provide evidence of your qualifications for a role. When responding to interviewer questions, you’ll want to show understanding about the job, demonstrate knowledge about the company, and exhibit your fit for the opening and how your experience can move the organization forward. All the while, being conscious of your tone, diction, and speed when conversing will help elevate your interview!

3. Control the Narrative – Focus on Your Strengths

Control the narrative of your story. You have every reason to ace this interview, and you have all the tools necessary to successfully navigate any questions that come your way. Do your best to answer questions in a positive light that make them see you as a candidate they want on their team.

You finish reflecting and find that it’s time for your interview to begin. You take a deep breath, trust your growing confidence, and begin.

If you have more questions about interviewing, best practices in communicating your skillset, or any other aspect of job/internship applications, be sure to schedule a meeting with a career coach. You can also take advantage of interview prep through Big Interview.

By Kamryn Gooden, Assistant Director, Career Education

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